May Beertasting | A Little Bit of Everything…

Our May beer tasting is set for Wednesday, May 14 and we’re thrilled with the lineup we have in store for all of you.

This tasting is going to be a bit different than normal. Why? Because the selection is a mixture of a little bit of everything!

So what kind of ales can you expect to see?

Here’s the lineup:

– Rivertowne Brewery Pittsburge, Pa
– Hop Lace Whie IPA
– Old Wylie’s IPA
– RT Lager
– Hala Kahiki Pineapple
– Maxwells Scottish Ale
– Great White Wit Beer 

As usual, the cost per person for the beertasting is $17.50 per person and that price includes a light appetizer. Kerry from Premium Beverage will the host. You can RSVP for the tasting by calling (937) 552-7676.